Monday, August 18, 2008

Central Presbyterian Church

This is a project that we have been working on for some time - again, this work gives me the opportunity to get to know some fantastic people all over Kansas City. This is a promotional video introducing and sharing the work and worship of Central Presbyterian Church in Kansas City. I had the chance to spend some time down there at several events and really enjoyed the people and seeing the work they are doing. Thanks for inviting me into your family!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

busy august

This is a crazy month for me! We just got back from a week in Cool Colorado enjoying some wonderful hikes with the kids and horseback riding - just a wonderful relaxing week in the mountains! I am working hard on catching up on phone calls and photo montages and getting ready for all the big weddings this month. This is one of the busiest Augusts for weddings I have had in several years! Lily starts 2nd grade tomorrow, and I will miss my "summer sidekick". Many of you met her these past few weeks, and Cole has a couple weeks of hanging out with me before his preschool starts back up. So, needless to say, my editing schedule is a little harried. Cole is not quite as agreeable to sit at the little table here in my office and paint, or work on a "school book" as Miss Lily was. He is more of an on my lap, "lets play Noggin" kind of guy.

So please hang in there with me - I am working hard to keep things going! Believe me, I have sacrificed my poor house this summer for video editing - any of you who have come in to drop off or pick up can attest to that too! :-)

See you at a wedding soon!